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Just keep picking and peeling

By Chris Haycock | 11 June 2021
What happens when you begin to pick apart your business ideas? Turns out it's something magnificent.
Growing a business is a bit like peeling sunburn. Yep, it really is. Let me explain. You know when you've got a bit of skin that's peeling, and you just pick and pick and pick until it finally comes off in one giant piece of delicious skin?
I meant that metaphorically, of course. I don't eat my sunburn. Although if I had some chilli sauce...
But anyway. When that happens it's so satisfying - and feels similar to peeling PVA glue from your hands. Over the last 15 years since I first started my business, I've picked at it like a demon obsessed.
One of my favourite things is to look at my business from the top down, and see if there are any tasty (there I go again) opportunities to pick away at an idea to see if it's got any substance. When I find something, I'll spend time teasing it out, bit by bit, millimetre by millimetre, until I discover if it's something worth peeling back completely.
Those little pieces might be a morsel) of undiscovered opportunities, such as a potential partnership, an inkling of a new revenue stream, a new product, or even a way of saving a few quid here and there. And that's when it happens. You tug away and suddenly you find a massive opportunity that may never have been discovered if you didn't get that urge to pick it apart.
On one occasion, it led to discovering a quick fix that added 20% to my turnover. Tasty! Keep looking for things to pick, and keep teasing them out until you find out whether they could be a massive opportunity or not.
It might just lead to something quite magnificent.

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