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Dealing with 'I have to think it over'

By Bruce King | 26 January 2022

I have to think it over is either true, or just a stall. And even if the prospect does needs to 'think it over', they rarely do. In this video, I give you the precise words I use to overcome this.

Yes - here I go again - yet another way to deal with 'I want to think it over'.

When you've watched all the videos on this topic you'll no doubt decide to use just one or two in the future. This one needs rather more preparation than most of the others, but it certainly packs a punch!

Here's what to say, and what to do to overcome - I want to think it over.

You say: 'Mr prospect, I'm an expert at what I do and you're an expert at what you do. So, let me share with you the questions you need to ask yourself when you think about it.' These are questions that go way beyond 'The investment needed' and 'When might you want to get started with this'.

Then you hand over a printed list of questions about the complexities of your product or service. For example, if you're selling sales training as I do, here's a list of questions that you might want to ask. You'll need to create your own list depending upon what you sell.

And you read the questions out from you own copy of the list.

Mr. Prospect, here are six things you need to think about as you're deciding:

  1. What percentage of your salespeople are not making their sales target and how much is this costing you in lost revenue?
  2. Do you know the three major reasons they are not making their targets?
  3. How much of their time is actually spent selling and how much is wasted on other activities?
  4. How can you get your hunters to spend more time hunting, and less time looking after existing customers when they should be hunting?
  5. Do you know the best way to encourage and get your sales team to invest at least 1 hour a day prospecting for new customers?
  6. What makes you scream with frustration about your role as the sales manager?

When you've finished reading them out loud, you then ask: 'Would you like to think about these by yourself, or would you prefer to think about them with me as someone who deals with these problems on a daily basis.?'

Remember - YOU are the expert. The customer is hopefully depending on you for solutions they cannot create for themselves. So, it's critical that you transfer confidence, not just information.


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