Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
How to ask for referrals
Here is one way to ask for referrals and ensure you receive them.
By Bruce King
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Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Here's what I taught Jamie, the founder and MD of a new company, which resulted in 109 referrals in 3 months, from this strategy alone, and all the referrals were from people he bought from.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Years ago my sales manager taught me a technique which guaranteed I always asked for referrals. Here's what he taught me, what I've taught thousands of others, and it will work for you too.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Do you tell lies? Maybe you don't, or maybe, like John, you do. This is John's story, and a lesson for everyone who wants to keep their pipeline full, get to the top and stay at the top in sales.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
If you want to encourage customers to refer you to others WITHOUT you having to ask for referrals, you have to do something really special. Here's a brilliant example.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
I have a large fishpond in my garden and my relationship with the fish is a great lesson in customer service, which of course when done well leads to more referrals.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Little things really do mean a lot when it comes to generating new business. You may do some of these, but probably not all and not often enough.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Yes - quadruple! It's a combination of prospecting using social media and other forms of communication.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
In this video, I show you precisely how to get as many referrals as you could possibly want this week, and every week, in just half an hour a day.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Most salespeople only ask for referrals when they have made a sale, and they have a happy customer. However, there are several other equally if not more appropriate and effective times to ask.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Here's yet another great time to ask for referrals.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
Here's another occasion when you can and really should ask for sales referrals.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
When I was selling financial services many years ago, I insisted my clients gave me referrals. Here is how I asked for them, and almost always received them, and it works whatever you are selling.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
What goes around comes around, often many times over in sales. Use this strategy and see just how effective it is when you give referrals to your customers or clients.
By Bruce King
Sales > Winning Sales Referrals
One common complaint I get is that company generated leads are usually useless. In this video you'll find out how well I did from them, and why.
By Bruce King