Marketing > Pricing
Why giving stuff away free can boost sales
Most business owners will tell you that giving away products free is absolute madness. But is it? Let's discover how you can make 'Free' work for you.
By Chris Haycock
Download this all-time classic bestselling book from Bruce King free.
Marketing > Pricing
The different ways to pricing models that you can adopt for your products and services.
By Chris Haycock
Marketing > Pricing
An often-neglected part of home business is the pricing of your services. Here are a few tips to maximise your profit margin.
By Chris Haycock
Marketing > Pricing
Never, ever give away freebies. That's what you hear a lot in marketing circles. It's true - to a degree - but giving away free things can actually help you to generate more customers than you can handle.
By Chris Haycock
Marketing > Pricing
What's the best way to approach pricing an online product or service? The key is to understand how market forces will effect desirability - and affordability.
By Chris Haycock
Marketing > Pricing
What are the best ways to price technical and digital products? Well, it comes down to the nature of value, as we find out in this tutorial.
By Chris Haycock
Marketing > Pricing
How much can you charge your customers for a product before they decide it's not worth it? Here are some ways to discover the ideal price point.
By Chris Haycock